No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers explain the impact of Trumino v Coles on work injury claims. Gold Coast & Brisbane No Win No Fee Lawyers.
Good News for those Injured at Work During 15 October 2013 & 30 January 2015
If you’ve been injured at work during the period 15 October 2013 and 30 January 2015, then your work injury claim is subject to the 5% threshold. What this means is that you cannot bring a Common Law claim for your work injury unless you achieve a degree of permanent impairment(DPI) for your injury of over 5%.
No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers Explain the Degree of Permanent Impairment (DPI)
What is a degree of permanent impairment or DPI ? Taking your body as 100% functioning, permanent impairment is basically the impairment or loss of function suffered because of an injury. So for example, doctors may assess you as suffering a 7% loss of bodily function because of your work injury – then your DPI is 7%.
How doctors assess permanent impairment of functioning caused by an injury is based on a special guide used to assess DPI for work injuries in Queensland, namely, GEPI (Guide to Evaluation of Permanent Impairment). And GEPI is primarily based on the international guide for assessing permanent impairment of functioning caused by injury, the AMA Guides.Continue reading