Whiplash Injuries Awarded $1.3 Million in Car Accident Claim

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers Gold Coast & Brisbane are experts in motor accident claims & whiplash injury claims. No Win No Fee Service & Free Legal Advice 24/7.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers are Experts in Car Accident Claims & Whiplash Injury Claims. Servicing all Qld with offices on Gold Coast & in Brisbane.

Mr Martin, sustained whiplash injuries to his neck and back in a rear end car accident on the Peak Downs Highway, near Claremont in July 2011. He brought a motor accident claim for damages, seeking compensation for his accident injuries.

Rear end collision causes whiplash injuries

The car accident occurred when Mr Martin’s Landrover was hit from behind at speed by a following motor vehicle, shunting the Landrover into the car in front. Mr Martin sustained significant jarring of his body upon impact, suffering whiplash injuries. That Mr Martin had suffered whiplash injuries in the accident was not in dispute. However, the extent of his injuries, and their impact on his pre-injury lifestyle and employment was very much in dispute.

Mr Martin’s case went to trial before Justice McMeekin in the Supreme Court, John Alfred Martin v Andrews & AAI Ltd [2016] QSC 20. The CTP insurer of the car that rear-ended Martin’s vehicle, AAI Ltd (Suncorp Insurance), admitted liability for the accident. The only issue in dispute at trial was how much Mr Martin should receive in injury compensation.Continue reading

Car Accident Lawyers – What’s the Future Hold?

Brisbane Gold Coast Car Accident Lawyers offering no win no fee personal injury services to Qld

What’s in store for Gold Coast & Brisbane Car Accident Lawyers? No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers tell you what experts are predicting.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers specialise in all areas of personal injury claims, including motor accident law. For many years we’ve been achieving much deserved injury compensation for those injured in car, truck, motorcycle, bus, pedestrian & cycling accidents & we hope to be doing so well into the future. But according to motor vehicle industry experts, things are changing!

What Car Experts Are Predicting in the Next 20 Years

Experts in the automotive industry are making surprising predictions for future motoring. They are saying that the automobile as we know it & the average person driving on our roads will be a thing of the past within the next 20 years. The predictions speak of automated pods, travelling in massive trains at 100kph and controlled by major conglomerates such as Uber, Amazon, Fed Ex etc. taking the place of the motor vehicle. The average person will no longer be driving & human error will be removed from road travel everywhere, replaced by computer controlled machines programmed not to collide or crash.  In fact, they say, in 20 years time only the wealthiest of people will even be permitted to drive on roadways.Continue reading

Cruise and motor accident personal injury claims in Qld tell No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers

Tom Cruise – Risky Business for Personal Injury Claims

Did you know that in the late 1990s, when Tom Cruise was scheduled to come to Queensland to make his movie Mission Impossible II, this influenced personal injury law in Queensland & in particular, motor accident claims?  Well it actually did.

In the new noughties, legislators were working on Queensland’s new Motor Accident Insurance Scheme for those injured on our roads.  The Scheme is known by most of us as Compulsory Third Party Insurance, or CTP Insurance. CTP Insurance is compulsory for all motor vehicles driven in Queensland, and Australia.  This insurance provides those who are injured on our roads, due to the fault of another, with compensation for the injuries they sustain, as well as for any resultant loss and damage they suffer because of your injuries.

The legislators were concerned that Cruise, who was at the time earning around $20million a movie, might be injured in a motor vehicle accident whilst visiting Queensland, and if he was unable to continue his acting career because of his injuries, would have an enormous motor accident claim that could send the Motor Accident Scheme in Queensland into meltdown.Continue reading