Gold Coast and Brisbane Personal Injury Lawyers explain the steps to take immediately following a motor vehicle accident. No Win No Fee Lawyers servicing all Queensland.
When you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident, it can leave you in quite a state of shock. It can sometimes be hard to gather your thoughts and think of what you need to do.
In the case of a serious accident, you may not be in a position to gather evidence about the other drivers and accident circumstances because of injury. In such case, Police will attend the accident and investigate the accident circumstances, as well as gather information about the vehicles and drivers involved for you.
However, where you are not in need of medical attention in the immediate aftermath of an accident, this post will hopefully help you understand what information you need to gather and the steps you need to take.
Step 1 – Remaining at the Scene of the Accident
Firstly, it is a Rule of law that you must not leave the scene of an accident, unless you have good reason to do so, ie. it is dangerous for you to remain at the accident scene. Leaving the scene of an accident can result in harsh penalties.