Car Accident Lawyers Gold Coast and Brisbane Tell of Unusual Road Rules in Qld. No Win No Fee Lawyers servicing Qld with offices in Brisbane and Gold Coast.
There are some very unusual Road Rules in Queensland
In Queensland, there are still subsisting today, some very antiquated Road Rules that were relevant in the time of horse and carts but are no longer of any relevance in the modern world of motoring today.
For instance, did you know that the taxi cab you got home from a night out should have had a bale of hay in its boot ? Well, according to Queensland Road Rules it should have. This is an old Road Rule from days of yore when you needed to have that extra bale of hay at the ready to feed the horse pulling your cart! It is the equivalent to having an extra can of petrol in the boot of your car.
Riding animals on the roadway was obviously a common event in days gone by. One of the Road Rules from this bygone era still prevails today and says that if you ride your dog, pig, cow or horse on the road, then it can be considered that you’re in operation of a vehicle.
So, if you’re partying with your mates, and you decide to ride your pet dog or pig down the street drunk, you can actually be charged with drink driving !Continue reading