Car Accident Lawyers – What’s the Future Hold?

Brisbane Gold Coast Car Accident Lawyers offering no win no fee personal injury services to Qld

What’s in store for Gold Coast & Brisbane Car Accident Lawyers? No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers tell you what experts are predicting.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers specialise in all areas of personal injury claims, including motor accident law. For many years we’ve been achieving much deserved injury compensation for those injured in car, truck, motorcycle, bus, pedestrian & cycling accidents & we hope to be doing so well into the future. But according to motor vehicle industry experts, things are changing!

What Car Experts Are Predicting in the Next 20 Years

Experts in the automotive industry are making surprising predictions for future motoring. They are saying that the automobile as we know it & the average person driving on our roads will be a thing of the past within the next 20 years. The predictions speak of automated pods, travelling in massive trains at 100kph and controlled by major conglomerates such as Uber, Amazon, Fed Ex etc. taking the place of the motor vehicle. The average person will no longer be driving & human error will be removed from road travel everywhere, replaced by computer controlled machines programmed not to collide or crash.  In fact, they say, in 20 years time only the wealthiest of people will even be permitted to drive on roadways.Continue reading

Choosing the Best No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers for Your Claim

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Law Firm Gold Coast & Brisbane. No Win No Pay legal service to all Qld.

Gold Coast & Brisbane No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers Explain the Best No Win No Fee Law Firm. Qld’s No Win No Pay legal service.

When you’ve been injured in an accident or in some other manner, due to the fault of another, you will want to ensure you have the best personal injury lawyers on your case.  But for most people, they believe they can’t afford the best lawyers because they just don’t have the financial means to meet the legal fees involved.  However, this is not an issue when you engage personal injury lawyers who provide a no win no fee service.

What Is a “No Win No Fee Legal Service”?

A no win no fee legal service, or no win no pay service as it is also known, is where a law firm runs a legal action on behalf of a client, and does not charge the client until the end of the action, and only if the legal action is successful.  If the legal action is not successful, then the law firm does not get paid.Continue reading

Car Accident Lawyers Explain Accidents Involving Livestock on Highway

Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Brisbane & Gold Coast, explain claims for injuries from colliding with animals on highways. No Win No Fee Lawyers Gold Coast & Brisbane. Servicing all Qld.

Gold Coast and Brisbane Car Accident Lawyers Explain Personal Injury Claims Arising from Motor Accidents Caused by Animals on Highways. No Win No Fee Lawyers Brisbane & Gold Coast. Servicing all Qld.

If you Hit Livestock on a Qld Road the Law says you Can’t Claim Injury Compensation

In Queensland there’s a rule established by the decision in Searle v Wallbank, that if you hit, or swerve to avoid a cow, horse, pig or any other type of livestock, straying onto the roadway from a nearby farm, the owner of the animal is not liable for any injury compensation or property damage arising from the motor vehicle accident.

Searle v Wallbank is an old English Court of Appeal decision. It has in more recent times been abolished in the United Kingdom and most Australian States but not in Queensland. What the rule says is that owners and occupiers of land adjoining highways are not obligated to fence or maintain fences, hedges, gates etc. to keep their livestock from straying onto nearby highways and nor do they hold a duty to take reasonable care to prevent their animals from straying onto nearby highways, unless the animal is known to be dangerous.Continue reading

Unusual Queensland Road Rules

Qld Car Accident Lawyers with offices in Brisbane and Gold Coast explain unusal Qld Road Rules. No Win No Fee Lawyers.

Car Accident Lawyers Gold Coast and Brisbane Tell of Unusual Road Rules in Qld. No Win No Fee Lawyers servicing Qld with offices in Brisbane and Gold Coast.

There are some very unusual Road Rules in Queensland

In Queensland, there are still subsisting today, some very antiquated Road Rules that were relevant in the time of horse and carts but are no longer of any relevance in the modern world of motoring today.

For instance, did you know that the taxi cab you got home from a night out should have had a bale of hay in its boot ? Well, according to Queensland Road Rules it should have. This is an old Road Rule from days of yore when you needed to have that extra bale of hay at the ready to feed the horse pulling your cart! It is the equivalent to having an extra can of petrol in the boot of your car.

Riding animals on the roadway was obviously a common event in days gone by. One of the Road Rules from this bygone era still prevails today and says that if you ride your dog, pig, cow or horse on the road, then it can be considered that you’re in operation of a vehicle.

So, if you’re partying with your mates, and you decide to ride your pet dog or pig down the street drunk, you can actually be charged with drink driving !Continue reading

Can I Bring My Personal Injury Claim When It’s Out of Time

Personal Injury Lawyers Brisbane & Gold Coast, explain limitation periods in personal injury claims. No Win No Fee Lawyers servicing Qld. Free 24/7 legal advice.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers, Brisbane & Gold Coast explain how limitation periods in personal injury claims in Qld can be extended. No Win No Fee Lawyers servicing Qld with offices in Brisbane & Gold Coast. Providing FREE legal advice to Queenslanders 24/7.

In Queensland, a Civil action involving a claim for personal injury damages or compensation, must be brought within 3 years of the breach of duty, causing the injury to occur.  For example, say you’re injured in a car accident on 30 September 2017, caused by the fault of another.  In such case, you must bring your motor accident injury claim on or before 30 September 2020. If you don’t do this, then your claim will be statute barred. In other words, you will lose your right to claim any compensation for your motor accident injury.

You Have 3 Years To Bring Your Personal Injury Claim in Queensland

The same thing will apply to a claim for work injury, a case of medical negligence, and any other personal injury claim arising in Queensland.  This 3 year period in which to bring your claim is called the limitation period. Limitation periods are governed by the Limitation of Actions Act 1974.  Although limitation periods are strictly applied, there is still an avenue for extending the limitation period in certain limited circumstances.Continue reading

Choosing the Best Personal Injury Lawyers for your Personal Injury Claim

How to decide on the best personal injury lawyers for your personal injury claim. No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers Brisbane & Gold Coast, explain what to look for. PI Lawyers offering services to all of Qld. No win no fee lawyers with no upfront costs & offering the community free legal advice 24/7

Brisbane & Gold Coast Personal Injury Lawyers explain how to decide the best personal injury lawyer for your personal injury claim. No Win No Fee Lawyers offering FREE legal advice to Qld 24/7 & providing no win no fee services throughout Qld, with offices in Brisbane & on the Gold Coast

When you’re injured through the fault of another, then you want to be certain you’re getting the best personal injury lawyers for your personal injury claim. Afterall, your injury compensation will need to last you into the future to meet ongoing medical expenses, the cost of engaging care and assistance, and to compensate when your capacity to earn income has reduced because of your injuries.

How Do You Decide the Best Personal Injury Lawyers for Your Case?

So, how do you decide who the best personal injury lawyer is to run your personal injury claim? The first thing you need to look at is experience. Like anything, practice makes perfect. Personal Injury Lawyers with long experience specialising in personal injury claims is one of the most important factors you need to consider when engaging a personal injury lawyer. Continue reading

Personal Injury Solicitors vs Personal Injury Lawyers- What’s the Difference?

Gold Coast and Brisbane Personal Injury Lawyers, expert in accident and injury compensation claims. No Win No Fee Lawyers.

Gold Coast and Brisbane Personal Injury Lawyers explain the difference between lawyers, solicitors and barristers in Qld

We’re often asked the difference between a lawyer, solicitor and a barrister. Firstly, solicitors and barristers are all lawyers. A “Lawyer” is someone who practices or studies law, and in Queensland, this includes both solicitors and barristers.  However, reference to a “lawyer” in Queensland, is usually reference to a solicitor rather than a barrister.

Another term used to refer to a lawyer is “attorney”. However, this terminology is rarely used in Queensland or Australia, but is most commonly used in the American legal system.

The Difference Between Solicitors and Barristers in Queensland 

In Queensland, barristers are also referred to as “Legal Counsel” or “Counsel” and whereas a solicitor is engaged by the client to handle a case, a barrister is usually engaged by a solicitor to appear or advise on behalf of their client in a case. When a barrister is engaged by a solicitor on a legal matter, this is termed, “briefing Counsel”.Continue reading

Injured In a Car Accident But Don’t Have Details of the At-Fault Motor Vehicle?

Motor Accident Injury Compensation Claims when the at-fault vehicle is unidentified

Brisbane and Gold Coast Car Accident Lawyers explain claims when the at-fault vehicle is unidentified in a motor vehicle accident.

If you’re injured in a motor vehicle, car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle or pedestrian accident, but you failed to obtain details of the at-fault vehicle or driver after the car accident, you can still bring a claim to recover compensation for your injuries. In such case, your claim is brought against the Nominal Defendant.

Who or What is the Nominal Defendant?

The Nominal Defendant is a quasi-governmental body, specifically established to step in and act as the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurer where the at fault vehicle is unidentified or unregistered and therefore does not have CTP insurance. But there are 2 very important points you need to be aware of.Continue reading

QLD Motor Accident Claims Work

Brisbane Car Accident Lawyers explain fairness of the Qld Motor Accident Scheme

Brisbane motor accident lawyers explain how the Qld motor accident injury claim scheme works. No win no fee lawyers with offices in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast.

Recently we have seen Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurers, RACQ Insurance and Suncorp Insurance, complaining about the CTP Claims Scheme in Queensland and lobbying for changes. This is a recurring theme for Queensland Insurers.

Insurers often use the threat of higher insurance premiums to incite public support for their campaign to reduce compensation payments in motor vehicle accident claims, citing increasing claims and claim costs as the reason for this potential price hike. But what Insurers don’t tell you is there has actually been a reduction in claims for motor accident injuries in Queensland over the past 10 years.

MAIC is the Motor Accident Insurance Commission in Queensland. This body regulates the Queensland Motor Accident Insurance Scheme, regulating CTP insurance and personal injury claims for motor accident injuries in Queensland.  MAIC issues reports annually showing motor accident claim statistics for each financial year. These statistics clearly show that there has been a reduction in motor accident injury claims over the past 10 years and this is particularly so given Queensland’s increasing population and number of registered vehicles on Queensland roads over this period.

MAIC’s latest financial year statistics (2016 financial year) show that in the 2008 financial year there were over 3,324,000 registered vehicles in Queensland, 6524 claims and a personal injury claim frequency score of 2. In the 2016 financial year there were around 4,064,000 registered vehicles in Queensland, 6888 claims and a claim frequency score of 1.7.  This clearly indicates a decreasing claim frequency over the past 10 years.

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Steps to Take Following a Motor Vehicle Accident