Personal Injury Lawyers Gold Coast & Brisbane Explain How Economic Loss is Calculated in Personal Injury Claims. No Win No Fee Lawyers Gold Coast & Brisbane.
We have already discussed what compensation entitlements there are in a personal injury claim in our post entitled, “How Much Compensation Will I Receive for My Personal Injury Claim?”. One of the areas of compensation, or what are termed “Heads of Damage”, in personal injury claims is economic loss. This is a claim for the loss of income that a person suffers because of their injury. The claim for economic loss includes both past and future income lost because of injury.
In the majority of personal injury claims, the claim for economic loss provides the largest amount of compensation in a personal injury claim. This is because it is a very important element of any personal injury claim. If injury impedes a person’s ability to earn an income, then this will seriously compromise their ability to support themselves, and in many cases, their families, into the future.
No Win No Fee Personal Injury Lawyers Explain How Economic Loss is Calculated in a Personal Injury Claim
How economic loss is calculated is basically the same for all personal injury claims in Queensland, whether your injury is from a car accident, workplace accident, medical malpractice, or generally because of the negligence or wrongful actions of another.Continue reading